Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Quiz 20

Q1) H.L Mencken once called it "the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet". What?

Q2) This name has been derived from the word "woda" in Slavic. Which Name?

Q3) It is produced in Ahus, Scania in southern Sweden by Lars Olsson Smith in 1879?

Q4) Peter Arsenievich __________ , founded this in Moscow in 1860s?

Q5) Name the vodka produced by Virgin Drinks, a subsidiary of Virgin group owned by Richard Brandson and launched in 1994?

Q6) Russian Vodka company, Russian Standard purchased a domain name for $3 million. Name the domain name?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quiz 19

Q1) What was started in 1977 by Stanford Graduate School of Business alumnus Roy Raymond?

Q2) There are 1003 of these in all with $731 of avg sales per square foot. The net sales per store is about $37 mn or $3.7bn for all the stores. The parent company is Limited Brands. Name the comapny?

Q3) This brand of lingerie brand was developed in Canada by Canadian Lady Corset company? Name it.

Q4) Identify the patent?

Q5) This company based in Kenosha, Wisconsin is credited with inventing the first Y-Front brief in 1934. Identify this world famous brand?

Q6) Identify the logo?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Quiz 18

Q1) According to the US Geological Survey research, this is 13.5 inches tall and weighs 8.5 pounds, it is made of tin (93%), antimony(5%) and copper(2%) and then plated with 24 Karat gold. What are we talking about?


Connect the Picture above with PETA?

Q3) Identify this place?

Q4) Oscar made her famous. How do we know her?
Q5) The invities were served 3000 smoked salmon _________ and gold plated _________ choclates by celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck, the theme had blue curtain with 92,000 Swarovski crystals designed by David Rockwell, the gifts included GBK ' Circus of Senses' which had a suites of $35000 in gifted luxury, Watches worth $8000 to $18000, Vacation packages worth $10000, Diamond facials, a year worth of Botox, zero calorie wine called "Slender"? What are we talking of?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Quiz 17

Q1) Over 75 % of what is produced by Madagscar, Comoros and a bunch of other tiny islands off the East African coast?

Q2) Name the Indian Chapter of the World Economic Forum at Davos?

Q3) Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will - Noel Tichy and Stratford Sherman. This was a subtitle of a book. Which one

Q4) During the Atlanta Olympics Nike had an interesting slogan. What?

Q5) Is Rajesh Khanna secretly married to Anju Mahendroo?’ What is the significance of this statement?

Q6) Which management buzzword appeared initially in an article in the Harvard Business Review by Gary Hamel and C. K. Prahlad?

Q7) After holding a minority stake for over 20 years, ford Motor Co., now has a controlling interest in which Japanese Motor manufacturing company ?

Q8) He has been a prof of Electrical Engg and Computer Science at the Massachussetts Instt of Technology for 35 years. His products are used in GM Cars, Zenith and Phillips TV divisions, NASA space shuttles, the Queen Elizabeth liner, and Broadway theatres. His father fled from Calcutta where he was wanted by the British police for revolutionary activities.

Q9) Born in 1837, descendent of Welsh ancestors who came to Massachussetts in 1636, he began his career in 1856. He disliked and disagreed frequently with Theodore Roosevelt, and when the president was off on a safari in Africa, he said ‘I hope the first lion that he meets does its duty’. He was once asked for money by a friend in need. He took the friend for a walk all around New York and after an hour, told him ‘Now you have been seen with me, you will have no problems getting a loan’. A churchman called him ‘Pierpontifex Maximus’. The Wall Street Journal called him ‘the undisputed leader who has stood between the business of this country and disaster’

Q10) In 1923, he left Kansas and boarded a train to California with $40 in his pocket. When a fellow passenger asked him about his intentions, he said ‘I’m going to direct great Hollywood motion pictures’. After seeing ‘The Jazz Singer’ he wrote to his brother : "I think this is Old Man Opportunity rapping at our door. Slap a big mortgage on everything we’ve got and let us go after this thing in the right manner". In 1938, he received honorory degrees from both Harvard and Yale universities, and also accepted an award from the League of Nations. He started the ‘Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow’ center in ?

Q11) He called his wife ‘The Believer’ because she encouraged him at a time when everyone else called him crazy. John Kenneth Galbraith said this of him : "If there is any certainty as to what a businessman is, he is assuredly the things ________ is not." Thomas Alva Edison once told him ‘Young man, you have the right idea. Keep at it’. He got his greatest inspiration while watching Chicago meat-packers cut beef that moved past them on an overhead trolley.

Q12)He has launched a university at Elk Grove Village, Illinois. President Nixon once met him and asked "What is it now, eight or nine billion?" To which he replied, "Mr.President, it is 12 billion". When his company’s market value surpassed U.S.Steel’s, Senator Lloyd Bentson complained ‘Something is wrong with our economy when the stock market is long on _____ and short on steel’. At the age of 72, he acquired the San Diego Padres baseball team. Till the age of 52 he was

Q13)He came from a rich family and was sent to Harvard, where he failed to complete his first year. His father helped him go into business but he lost $30000 in the first year. He spent $25000 per week and in 1937, his empire was in debt of $126 million. He was partly instrumental in causing an Spanish - American war, and once unsuccessfully tried to disrupt the premiere of a Hollywood movie based on his story

Q14) He set up shop in 1859 as a dry goods trader. The business thrived in 1861 after the outbreak of the US Civil War, when the US Army bought a lot of grain and supplies from him. He was a regular at the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church in Cleveland and served as a Sunday School Superintendent. In 1881, he set up a trust of dozens of companies that controlled 80% of a particular industry. Other industries followed suit and this started off the first ‘Anti-Trust regulations’ in the USA.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pakistani Slumdog Millionaire

After a superb hit of Slumdog Millionaire in India and the world acknowledging the movie with Oscars and Golden Globe, a strange thought ran in my mind. A Pakistani Slumdog Millionaire. And the best part, we have a script in and around the papers world over.

Swat, a tourist location in Pakistan was handed over to the Taliban. The idea being that now the people of Swat would not be killed and uprooted from the retaliations of Taliban. The central character being a father-in-law and son-in-law duo, who accomplished the deal of converting the Swat region, 160 KM from Islamabad, to the Taliban.

The agencies report Government did it only because of the will of people in Swat region, but a mere common sense would envision Taliban taking physical hold of the area, police running for their life, all the theaters and music stores burnt, journalist's killed and channels stopped is this the end .... no just think of the atrocities against the women-kind. No studying, No moving out of home, only burkhas. The Government calls it "peace move".

How can a Government justify its stand when the peace process was reached after the Taliban had be-headed their opponents, Killed women and children, burnt schools and colleges, uprooted the whole of government infrastructure including an airport..... It is unbelievable.

How could the government ever have seen a "peace", when it is not even a "million dollar question" What Next? Taliban would readily take control and look for new opportunities to extend their influence in and around the area.

With this peace deal, it will do a lot of damage to peace of Obama administration and India. Pakistan gets around $6 bn in aid from US, 70 % of which is miss-spent. How on earth would US justify this? What would be the next move of US as well as Pakistan and the commentators around the world.

India's reaction would be worth watching. With a concerned face India also could be laughing within at the current situation in Pakistan. Remember that the bottom line is that it is men who are leading this organisations are playing the game. Taliban is Taliban only because of the men who run it. And for India's advantage, Pakistan is run by hundreds of people with such Institutions but with different purposes. So you would find Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, founder of Lashker and Taliban not looking at a sole objective. There have been media reports of rift between them as Taliban is attacking Pakistan where as people like Saeed and Maulana Farook of Hizbul Mujahideen are core Pakistanis in their heart. This would lead to the whole system fighting each other and with neither the Pakistani government nor ISI being able to control them would cause a collapse of the entire system breaking Pakistan into numerous parts and war lords running the system.

A good script right. Pakistani Slumdog Millionaire

Quiz Competition

Quiz Competition at Indian Business Academy - Greater Noida

Chakravyuh (Business Quiz):
Team size: 2
Four rounds will be there
The quizmaster's decision is final and binding to all
Date:- 20 and 21 February
Contact :-

Quiz Competition at Indian Business Academy - Banglore

Trivia titillates you. Brands, logos, personalities, etc. makes you sit at the edge of your seat. You habitually make educated guesses and are probably the quickest to hit the buzzer. Newspapers and Magazines are a part of your breakfast and you have a knack of reading between the lines.
If our prediction about you is true, then we look forward to see you at LAKSHYA, the Business Quiz Trivia.
LAKSHYA will test your knowledge in Business ranging from current affairs to history, Indian scenario to international events, and across the spectrum of the Industry and sectors.
So be there and get ready to face the Tsunami of questions from the world of business?

Event Snapshot:
Two participants per team.
LAKSHYA will have 3 rounds.
First round (preliminary) is a written elimination round followed by the Semi final and the Grand Finale.
Rules for the Semi Final and Grand Finale round will be declared on the spot.
For any queries please contact:-
Varunraj Radhakrishna –+91- 9986394087 or
Amit Bansal– +91-9972807616

Quiz 16

Q1) From the world of fashion, identify this controversial magazine?

Q2) Connect? From the world of movies.

Q3) Identify my favourite footballer?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quiz 15

Q1) Reebok with 1.19 bn Rs lost the bid, Adidas with 1.28 bn Rs lost the bid and Nike with 1.93 bn Rs won it. Which bid are we talking about?

Q2) Identify the organisation?

Q3) Name the Tower?


Connect these two pics for a theme for fashion?

Hint - The designers were celebrating 50th Aniversary of someone

Q5) Identify the couple?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quiz 14

Some world famous Company headquarters

Lehman Brothers

General Motors



Goldman Sachs

Friday, February 13, 2009

Quiz 13

Q1) Identify the logo?

Q2) Identify the location?

Q3) He made himself famous. Who is he?

Q4) Identify this world famous location?

Q5) Identify the person and the club he is associated with?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quiz 12

Q1) Which Tata company executed "liquid gold" for 2004 Academy Awards and graphics for New York city's 2012 Olympics bid?

Q2) _____________ was formed from the merger of Koninklijke Hoogovens N.V. with British Steel?

Q3) Connect with a Tata brand - Kajol, Trisha, Irfan PAthan and Saurav Ganguly?

Q4) is associated with which Tata Company?

To add glamour to my blog. Identify this beauty and the association with a F1 Team?

Quiz 11

Q1) These were first manufactured in Milan, Italy when Indian Government brought out the factory and license to the brand name in 1972. Identify the brand?
Q2) The founders include Alfieri, Bindo, Carlo, Ettore, Ernesto and Mario in December 1914. The headquarters is in Modena. The logo is named Trident?
Q3) Connect Renzo Rosso with a brand?

Identify this brand which was founded by Maestro Bartolomeo _________ and used by civilians and police worldwide. It is one of the oldest corporations in the world and owned by same family since 1526?

Q5) From the world of fashion, identify this designer?

Quiz 10

Identify the creaters of this Ad?

Quiz 8

Q1) The company was started in 1955, when Luciano saw a market for colourful clothes? The company is listed in Milan with the code: BEN and has its origination in Trevasio, Italy.

Q2) This company has "Sisley", "Playlife" and "Killer Loop" brands other than the main brand itself? Name It?

Q3) This F1 team entered the areana by ________ family buying Toleman and Spirit teams and branding it as ____________ Formula Ltd.

Q4) Michael Schumacher won his first drivers championship with which FI team in 1994?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quiz 7

Q1) Which company is credited with worlds first Leverage Buy Out deal?

Q2) Name the company which was acquired?

Q3) What was the deal size?

Q4) Name the book which became famous for leting the world know the Insider Knowledge of Investment Banks and also is named after this same company?